• Gaming

    Review: Sagrada, a top dice-drafting board game, goes digital

    Enlarge / Sagrada on Steam. Welcome to Ars Cardboard, our weekend look at tabletop games! Check out our complete board gaming coverage at cardboard.arstechnica.com. Sagrada is one of the best dice-drafting games on the market. It makes excellent use of the inherent randomness of dice while still providing copious opportunities…

  • Gaming

    6 board games I’m playing during the pandemic

    Nate Anderson Welcome to Ars Cardboard, our weekend look at tabletop games! Check out our complete board gaming coverage at cardboard.arstechnica.com. What’s keeping me grounded in our current pandemic? Board games, for one. But I’m not reaching for the latest and the greatest at the moment; I’ve found myself reaching…

  • Gaming

    Best new board game apps of 2020

    Welcome to Ars Cardboard, our weekend look at tabletop games! Check out our complete board gaming coverage at cardboard.arstechnica.com. The 2020 global pandemic might seem like an ideal time for new board game app releases, but the increasing development time for more complex games means we’re going longer between initial…

  • Gaming

    Aliens board game is another ho-hum dungeon crawler

    Enlarge / Ripley defending Newt. Welcome to Ars Cardboard, our weekend look at tabletop games! Check out our complete board gaming coverage at cardboard.arstechnica.com. Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps is a peculiar release. Aliens, James Cameron’s follow-up to the sci-fi classic Alien is frankly one of the best…

  • Gaming

    61 Best Board Games to Buy in 2021

    Aurich Lawson | Getty Images It’s that time of year again—time to buy more board games than you possibly have time to play. To aid you in your quest, we’ve once again updated our massive board game buyer’s guide for the year by adding new entries (including a bunch of…